Senior Recruiter in Opole, PL

Recruitment team in Opole celebrating a good hire

We’re hiring an experienced Senior Recruiter to support our young and dynamic team in Opole, PL! Ready to take on the next step in your career?

Experience, patience, politeness and social skills are the key to success as a Senior Recruiter. Using those features, you receive, assess and process applications for our jobs in the Netherlands. You play an important role in outreach for new candidates all over Europe, cooperating with our headquarters in The Netherlands as well. You’ll have close contact with our Job Coaches and will visit our customers in The Netherlands as well. Combining your skills and knowledge, you find and hire the ideal candidates for your clients. During the hiring process, you build and nurture an honest relationship with your candidates and make sure that everything goes well for them in The Netherlands.

Starter salary: Zl 4000-6000, depending on experience

Who are you?

We’re looking for a clever person who takes initiative and comes with their own ideas and solutions. Thanks to your experience in recruitment, you easily adapt to new or changing client demands. You love helping good candidates by hiring them for quality work with a good salary.
You’re confident and not afraid of critique or failure. If something doesn’t go as planned, you pick yourself up and find ways to improve the situation. We believe that learning is done outside our comfort zone and so there is space to “grow as you go”.

You’re confident and not afraid of critique or failure. If something doesn’t go as planned, you pick yourself back up and find ways to improve the situation. We believe that learning is done outside our comfort zone and so there is space to “grow as you go”.

Additional benefits

Additional job requirements

How to apply

We look forward to getting to know you! As a first step, please send your CV and motivation letter to If there is a match, we will soon contact you to set up a job interview.